What is Windows Vista end of support?
As of April 11, 2017, Windows Vista customers are no longer receiving new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options, or online technical content updates from Microsoft.
If you continue to use Windows Vista now that support has ended, your computer will still work but it might become more vulnerable to security risks and viruses. Internet Explorer 9 is no longer supported, so if your Windows Vista PC is connected to the Internet and you use Internet Explorer 9 to surf the web, you might be exposing your PC to additional threats.
Also, as more software and hardware manufacturers continue to optimize for more recent versions of Windows, you can expect to encounter more apps and devices that do not work with Windows Vista.
Microsoft has also stopped providing Microsoft Security Essentials for download on Windows Vista. If you already have Microsoft Security Essentials installed, you’ll continue to receive antimalware signature updates for a limited time. However, please note that Microsoft Security Essentials (or any other antivirus software) will have limited effectiveness on PCs that do not have the latest security updates. This means that PCs running Windows Vista will not be secure and will still be at risk for virus and malware.
What you need to do to stay protected?
Upgrade your current windows version to Windows 10.
You can purchase a full version of Windows 10, but you should first make sure that your computer can run it.
Very few older computers are able to run Windows 10. We recommend that you check out the Windows 10 specifications page to find out if your PC meets the system requirements for Windows 10.
Get a new PC
If your current PC can’t run Windows 10, it might be time to consider shopping for a new one. Be sure to explore our great selection of new PCs.
They’re more powerful, lightweight, and stylish than ever before—and with an average price that’s considerably less expensive than the average PC was 10 years ago.
Find your perfect PC
ACS Team can help you move your files, folders, and more.
We have a tool for transferring selected files, folders, and more from your old Windows PC to your new Windows 10 PC.
Call ACS Team on: 01-846-4200 for more information or email us: sales@acs.ie