Live Webinar – Trend Worry Free

“Rising to the Challenge: Understanding the Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape” The threat landscape used to be black and white. You kept the bad stuff out and the good stuff in. Now it’s harder to tell the good from the bad, and traditional signature-based antivirus approaches alone are a weak defence against ransomware and unknown threats,…

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Protect Your Business With Trend Micro “Worry- Free” Antivirus

In today’s highly digitized world, where every aspect of our lives is interconnected through the internet, the risk of falling victim to online cyber threats has become more prevalent than ever. From malicious software, viruses, phishing attempts, ransomware attacks, to data breaches, businesses are constantly under threat from cybercriminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities in their…

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The Rise of Cryptojacking in 2023

As technology becomes more advanced, the threat landscape in cyberspace continues to evolve. Cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and infiltrate systems for their own gain. One such growing trend in cyberattacks is cryptojacking. In this mid-year update of the 2023 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report, we delve into the record surge of…

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